I appreciated all of the contributions that my classmates made to their blogs and shared with the class. I liked hearing and seeing their ideas, viewpoints. All of their comments were very interesting and informative, but there were a few emerging technologies that really caught my eye and made me take a second look at them. 👀😎
Favorite Emerging Technology #1
Kahoot, presented by Kirt Ways, January 13, 2017
Kirt presented this entry about an online game site called Kahoot. I have used it in the class. I have found that students really like to learn through games. This requires the teacher to create an account, but once you have set it up it is really easy and interactive. As Kirt said, the students can use their own name or use a nickname, sometimes this is fun in itself. It does introduce friendly competition and helps the students review information in a fun and interactive way. Thank you Kirt for sharing this site.
Using technology in the classroom has become commonplace for
many teachers. Certain technologies have proved to be very likeable and useful
in the eyes of many teachers. One of those is the website Kahoot. Kahoot is an
online application that allows teachers to make quiz, discussion, and survey questions.
I like to use this as a quick follow up to an introductory reading. Students
like it as well because it allows for friendly competition. Students can use
nicknames for fun or to give themselves a bit of anonymity.
Kahoot can be played on computers or on smart phones. Students can choose to
play individually or on teams. They are given twenty seconds to answer a
question. There are four answers to choose from. Questions can be shuffled in a
random order. The teacher can show students the answers in a review section. I
like to do that after the game and allow students the chance to write the
questions they found a bit challenging.
Teachers can make a free account and use their school email as their login. I
find it a lot of fun and I think your students will as well.
Kahoot how to video
Favorite Emerging Technology #2
Tiltbrush by Google, presented by Joe Boekman, February 6, 2017
Joe presented this technology. It is interactive and interesting. I love drawing and design! This looks revolutionary to be able to walk through and interact with your art work. It makes artwork "come to life." It will change the way we approach creativity. What does it mean for 2-D artists? Will traditional art change? Will we now walk through museums with 3-D glasses on? How does this change the way artists will create? So many questions, only time will tell us. Thank you Joe for sharing this site.
Tilt Brush Gallery by Google is a VR drawing
application that you lets you draw in a 3D space. It literally allows you to
walk through your sketches in 3D as you draw them. Your room is your canvas. It
is pretty cool when you look at the various videos that show you how the
application works. Tilt Brush has also teamed up with artists, painters,
cartoonist, dancers, and designers so that you can view their work. The
application is advertised to be usable for all ages. I could certainly see this
being used in various art classes, but I could also see it being used in my
classroom as a way for students to present their work on various projects I
give them. For example, students have to draw out a cell analogy, and they
could choose Tilt Brush Gallery as a way to present their work. How cool would
that be grading it? I could literally walk right through a student's project.
Favorite Emerging Technology #3
Moodle, presented by Kinney Neal, February 18, 2017
Kinney presented this Learning Management System. I was not
familiar with it as I have used Black Board exclusively. The site describes
itself as an open, collaborative system. I plan to check this out in all its
detail. It would be good to know how to use more than one Learning Management
System. In an increasingly open education, open resource world, systems like
this allow teachers and learners to share information easily. Thank you Kinney
for sharing this site.
Moodle is a course management system (CMS) that is
great for educators. Many higher education schools use Moodle. You can set up
online classes, gradebooks and more. It is user friendly to the host and the
participants. You can make quizzes that automatically grade themselves as well
as set the percentage for each project given. Moodle allows the user to embed
videos from other sites for your students. This is a great tool to use in an
online environment. It is also a great way to keep up with students because it
allows a person to send emails through Moodle directly or instant message.