Thursday, February 16, 2017

Public Libraries

Public Libraries as Open Education
New York Public Library

Carnegie Library - Pittsburgh, Pa
Public libraries offer a wide range of services, book and resource lending, lectures, book clubs, and cultural events at no charge to the public. Anyone, of any age group can benefit from these forms of open education.

Most public libraries offer lending reading and learning materials that can be checked out, but some libraries also offer: exhibits, access to audio tapes, DVDs, and microfilm. They may offer fax machines, scanner services, and copier services (for a small fee). The Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, PA even features a 3-D printer.

According to Wikipedia, "A public library is a library that is accessible to the general public and is generally funded from public sources, such as taxes. It is operated by librarians and library professionals, who are also civil servants," (Wikipedia, 2017).

Public libraries exist in many countries. They serve to educate people and create a literate population. Public libraries are different from research libraries, school libraries, and other specialty libraries because they serve the general public's need for information. They offer free resources such as preschool story times, quiet study areas, book clubs, and meeting places. Many offer free computer and Internet access to patrons.

Many public libraries have satellite locations. For example the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, PA, where I reside, offers many branches across the local region. Books and materials can be transferred for lending use.

The history of the Public Library system in the United States is long and interesting. They emerged in the middle of the 19th century. Many generous volunteers helped to promote and develop the Public Library system. It is too long to review in a blog post. Please see the sites above to learn more about their development.

Some public libraries offer additional services and options. A good example is the New York Public Library. They rent space for corporate events, weddings, even a fashion show. These are just some ways that the pubic can use libraries for cultural events and open education. Take a virtual tour at:,-73.9818304,3a,75y,296h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEuOY4u0z4hMAAAQ7LrWhhQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2590099a8a8a9:0x3b51df6e509a734c!8m2!3d40.7531823!4d-73.9822534!6m1!1e1?hl=en

Public libraries are a great service to the people. They provide much more than the circulation of books and learning materials. They are public treasures that invite all to explore, learn, share, and enjoy. All ages can learn and celebrate knowledge.


  1. Going to the library is always a special treat! I love going on adventures there. It is like visiting a treasure chest.
    Jennifer Marcin

  2. I never thought of a library as an open source but it makes sense. I love the library especially growing up in a large city like I did. I normally used the library to look at art books and rent videos.

  3. NPR is a great resource. A lot of the science teachers at my high school talk a lot about it. Thanks for sharing your technologies.
